Know Thyself
Know Thyself
Explore Your Personality & PossibilitiesThis workshop has designed for the young population to help individuals improve their personal and professional skills, build confidence, develop positive habits, and improve their overall well-being. This workshop contains personality test, psychoeducation, leadership skills, emotional intelligence and interventions like psychosocial skills, communication skills, life skills etc. to make desired changes in life.
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To deal with following issues in your life.Faysal Rafi & Associates established with the aim of providing capacity building programs, trainings and consultations for mental health wellbeing of youth. Our programs are person centered, evidence based and solution focused, so that it can have maximum utilization of organization’s resources
Personality Exploration and Understanding
- Lack of understanding about Self
- Lack of self-awareness
- Poor understanding of own personality type
- Confusion about weakness and strength of your personality
- Poor Self Esteem and Negative Self Concept
Career Choice & Decision Making
- Undecided career goals
- Difficulty with setting goals
- Negative Self Perception in Career
- Poor Communication and Leadership Skills
- Conflict between Personality and Career Choice
Emotional Disturbances
- Frequent Mood Swings in Profession
- Hypertension/ Anxiety/ Restlessness associated with career decision
- Dealing with Aggression/Passive Aggressive Behavior at work
- Sadness/Depression/Down about professional self
- Feelings associated with Adjustment Issues in Career
Skills Development to Change
- Struggling with Negative Mindset
- Dealing with Continuous Overthinking
- Difficulty in Communication Skills
- Fail to understand Emotional Intelligence
- Lack of resilience and struggling with learning
“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.”
~ Shannon L. AlderOur Counseling
Features- Get all resources you need
- Continuous Learning Support
- Learning Opportunity from Professionals
- Certified Subject Matter Expertise
- Trainer with Years of Experience
You are just One Step Away to Redefine Your Life-skills.Faysal Rafi & Associates established with the aim of providing capacity building programs, trainings and consultations for mental health wellbeing of youth. Our programs are person centered, evidence based and solution focused, so that it can have maximum utilization of organization’s resources
Our Counseling
Approach- Interactive Learning Sessions
- Practice Based Skill Development
- Continuous Feedback and Supervision
- Case Studies and Learning Outcomes
- Audio/Visual Presentation
- Handbook and Notes as Reading Materials
“Being different is a revolving door in your life where secure people enter and insecure exit.”
~ Shannon L. AlderWhat We Offer
Our Psychology Services
Clinical Assessment
To evaluate an individual's functioning in multiple areas and to inform and facilitate recommendations intended to improve functioning in one or more areas, a clinical assessment is conducted by highly trained psychologists of our team.
Individual Counseling
One-to-one psychotherapy sessions to improve your quality of life, explore personality and possibilities, resolve trauma and childhood issues, increase productivity and become functional in day-to-day life. Our extraordinary team of psychologists will help you to reveal your true potential and unleash your maximum capabilities.
Family Counseling
A family is an ultimate place where a person can grow, develop and unleash true potential. Any issues can affect the mental health of every family member and raise conflicts. Family counseling offers you a smart way to deal with family issues.
Child Counseling
A child can suffer from mental health issues. Unfortunately, they suffer in silence with fear, anger, and guilt feelings. Child counseling helps you to create a safe space for them. Child counseling helps the child to be more confident, and a great communicator.
Couple Counseling
Many couples have difficulties with feelings, communication, and understanding. Sometimes these gaps lead to breakup/divorce or unexpected ending. Couple Counseling helps you to improve your romantic relationship with your partner.OUR BLOG
Read to accelerate your wellbeing
Yes, it’s true Psychotherapy Helps!
ঘটনা একসামনে বসে আছেন শাহেদ ও তনিমা (ছদ্মনাম), তাদের ৫বছরের সংসার জীবন। দুজন এক সাথে....

যেকোন বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ বা ডিভোর্সের কারণ হিসেবে অনেকেই একক ভাবে পরকীয়াকে দায়ী করে, অথচ অধিকাংশ....

পাশ নম্বর
সাত বছরের মাহিনকে আম্মু বলেছিল সৃষ্টিকর্তা আমাদের দুঃখ কষ্ট দেয় পরীক্ষা হিসেবে, পাশ করলে অনেক....
Complete Mental Health Care For You And Your Loved OnesFaysal Rafi & Associates established with the aim of providing capacity
building programs, trainings and consultations for mental health wellbeing of
youth. Our programs are person centered, evidence based and solution
focused, so that it can have maximum utilization of organization’s resources