General Questions
Faysal Rafi and Associates is a mental health consultancy firm who work for mental health wellbeing. We are providing the solution for mental health challenges and help our clients to set a new goal. We help to gain clarity and direction.
We provide Counseling, Workshop and Training.
Three types of counseling and psychotherapy services are available:
A. Individual counseling and psychotherapy
B. Couple and Family therapy
C. Child and Teenage counseling
D. Student Package (Online only)
Faysal Rafi and Associates provides both online and offline services. Both platforms are equally effective and the session fee is the same in both cases. According to your preference we will arrange your session.
Workshop and training: Emotion Management, Work life balancing, Developing Skills, Dealing with mental illness, Mental Health First Aid etc.
For more quarries, please visit our website.
We provide mental health services with empathetic, ethical and evidence-based practice. You and your privacy are our first priority. We are there for you, whenever you need.
Counseling Questions
Counseling is a process where an Individual, couple or family meet a trained professional counsellor to talk about issues and problems that they are facing in their lives.
When something causes distress and interferes with some part of life, particularly when thinking about or coping with the issue takes up at least an hour each day. The issue causes embarrassment or makes you want to avoid others.
: Professional Counseling can provide guidance to help people navigate life’s challenges. It can help you to deal with stress, provide scientific treatment for anxiety, depression and others. It also helps you to address issues and problems within your relationship or provide mediation between you and your partner, family members and friend.
Typically, a session can run 40 to 60 minutes long but may run longer. Group counseling sessions can run around 90 minutes, while more intensive individual counseling sessions can go for two to three hours. The length of your session depends on the type of mental health service you're receiving.
Payment Questions
For booking an appointment, the session fee has to be paid in advance through mobile number(bKash)/internet banking//bank transfer.
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Child & Adolescence Counseling |
Couple Counseling |
Faysal Rafi |
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Senior Consultant |
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Mobile Banking:
bKash personal Account: +8801515625217 (Send Money Option only)
Bank Transfer Details:
AC Name: Faysal Ahmed Rafi
Ac No.: 06234004576
Bank: Bank Asia Limited
Address: 4/3, Block D, Lalmatia, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Routing Number: 070262836
Swift Code: BALBBDDH
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Sinead Bailey
VolunteerI greatly appreciate Faysal Rafi Bhaia's support during my hardest time. I took his sessions after trying with couple more psychologists and found his ones so helpful for me. Bhaia is always very important for counseling. He listened to everything I had to tell him. And he would suggest me something which was doable and wouldn't create much pressure on me. One more thing I want to add which I liked about his counseling that he went over my background, from the very beginning of my life, for understanding me better. To my understanding every patient is different and this is very important to know where they have come from and what thry have gone through in their past. He tried to know me first and after listening a lot from me he suggested me some solitions those perfectly worked for me. I absolutely loved the way he handeled my situation. I will be indebted to him for keeping me calm and patient during my most hard time of life. I wish him all the best with his career and all his future endeavours.
Azbina Rahman Oni
Clientআমি ভাইয়ার কাছে কখনো কাউন্সিলিং করিনি, তবে মনের স্কুলের মাধ্যমে রাফি ভাইয়ার ট্রেনিং এর ওয়ার্কশপ অংশগ্রহণ করার সুযোগ যেমন পেয়েছি, তেমনি এগুলো ভাইয়ার সাথে আয়োজন করার অভিজ্ঞতাও হয়েছে। তিনি কেবলমাত্র একজন সাইকোলজিস্ট হিসেবে না, মানুষ হিসেবেও অসাধারণ। আমার কাছে কেউ কাউন্সেলর রিকমান্ডেশন চাইলে প্রথমেই "ফয়সাল রাফি" নামটা আসে। বাংলদেশের মানসিক স্বাস্থ্যসেবা খাতে আপনার মত আরো অনেক মানুষ দরকার আমাদের।
Fairooz Faizah Beether
Clientরাফি ভাইয়ার সাথে প্রথম যেদিন পরিচয় হয়েছিল, ওইদিন থেকে আজ পর্যন্ত মনের স্কুলের এবং আমাদের টিমকে কতটা সাপোর্ট দিয়েছে সেটা অতুলনীয়। কাজের পাশাপাশি রাফি ভাই মানুষ হিসেবেও একজন মনের মানুষ, সব ধরনের সাপোর্ট পেয়েছি ভাইয়ার থেকে পুরোটা সময়। মনের স্কুল সবসময় রাফি ভাইয়ার প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ থাকবে। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ভাইয়া সবসময় এভাবে মনের স্কুলের পাশে থাকার জন্য।
Arif Islam
Clientআমি মানসুরা, নিজেকে হারিয়ে ফেলেছিলাম বেশ কিছুদিন আগে। হারিয়ে ফেললে ভুল হবে খুঁজেই পাচ্ছিলাম না নিজেকে আসলে। এখন ফিরিয়েছি নিজেকে, নতুন করে নিজের সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে, যায় পুরো ক্রেডিট আমি ফয়সাল রাফিকে দিবো। হারিয়ে ফেলা ১০ টি বছর আমাকে ফিরিয়ে দিয়েছেন এমনকি শিখিয়েছেন সব কিছুর মধ্যে ভালো থাকার কৌশল। তার চিন্তা ভাবনার কাছে আমার সমস্যাগুলো, কষ্টগুলো অদ্ভুত সুন্দর। কষ্ট বলতে আসলে কিছুই নেই। প্রতিনিয়ত নিজেকে মেরে ফেলতে চাওয়া মানুষটাকে শিখিয়েছেন, বুঝিয়েছেন জীবনের বেচেঁ থাকার উদ্দেশ্য। শিখিয়েছেন কঠিন পথগুলো কতটা সুন্দর মানিয়ে নিলে, হাজারো মানুষের ভীড়ে কতটা সুন্দর "বেচেঁ থাকাটা আমি" ধন্যবাদ রাফি স্যার, আমার নিজেকে গুছাতে হেল্প করার জন্যে।
Mansura Islam
ClientI've taken both individual and couple therapy with Faysal Rafi Bhaiya. This experience has changed my thinking ability and pattern for good. He's been very kind and attentive during the sessions. He has a personality where I had no problems sharing everything of my life. I would say, he has a great listening skill, which is a rare quality. Rafi bhaiya has gone through all parts of my life in details, remembering even small things I ever said, to find out the patterns and traumas in my life, which definitely made me so comfortable during the sessions. I would say this experience made me confident to overcome my problems, to understand and accept situation better than ever. I had and will recommend Faysal Rafi to my peers as a dependable psychologist in Dhaka. I wish him all the best.
Progga Paromita
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Complete Mental Health Care For You And Your Loved OnesFaysal Rafi & Associates established with the aim of providing capacity
building programs, trainings and consultations for mental health wellbeing of
youth. Our programs are person centered, evidence based and solution
focused, so that it can have maximum utilization of organization’s resources